and the world will be as one."
When I think about kindness I also think about peace and being as one. My challenge for you with blog #3 is to "suspend judgment of others." Practice random acts of kindness as much as possible. Here is my list so far.....
On Day #1 I sent two dozen doughnuts to Save-a-lot. The first day of the month is very busy in a grocery store and I thought breakfast would be helpful. I also have a co-worker that has been very helpful in helping me adapt to new work responsibilities. I sent her a note and a HUGE tin of Lifesavers and told her that she has been a "lifesaver" in helping me. I also donated $1 when I went to Bob Evans for Big Brothers Big Sisters and sent co-workers special positive inspirational December calendars.
Day #2
I put a stocking on one of my most favorite co-workers (and cousins) door. I thought I would add some Christmas decor to her room! I gave a friend $20 off coupons to a Department Store and I went to get a co-worker tissues because she was out.
Day #3
Lucas and I went to his Christmas Shop on Saturday the 3rd and we donated extra money to the Shop. I also taught him about the importance of giving instead of receiving which is a big job when you have a 5 year old. I think he was receptive to the idea. We came home and spent extra time wrapping the gifts and putting them under the tree. I also took my mom and dad personalized stockings to hang up. Yes, Santa will fill them for Christmas morning!
Day #4
I went shopping on Sunday and ran into someone I knew who needed "someone to listen." We talked in a store for one hour and then after the store closed we talked outside for an additional 20 minutes. I was in the right place at the right time because she needed someone to talk to. I purchased some special gifts for my mom so that she wouldn't have to make a trip to town. Lastly, as a meat manager/cutter Jeff has pain in his hands. I gave him a hand massage.
Day #5
I played an internet game that offers food to those who are hungry. I was able to supply quite a bit of rice to those in need. You can check it out and starting helping too.
I also researched ideas which I delivered on day #6.
Day #6
The operation beautiful idea is awesome and I shared the message on mirrors in bathrooms. I also gave co-workers Dove Chocolates in their mail slot!
I am glad that I can share with you my "Random Acts of Kindness" journey. Christmas is such a special time of the year. I will leave you with a Christmas thought to ponder
Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas." ~ Peg Bracken