When we look at the word inspired we can also think of the word as IN-SPIRIT. As I sit here today I wonder what inspires you. My inspiration comes from many places. Quotes, music, movies, people in my life and finding the beauty in simplifying. Many times we get so busy with our commitments and our life that we forget how important the simple things are. Watching a budding tree come alive, seeing new signs of Spring everyday are simply gifts. We need to accept these everyday moments as gifts in our life.
My challenge for you today is to think about what inspires you. Go out and make your life happen and see the beauty in the simple. We have a choice to make. As my dad always said, "you can sit around and grow old with a blanket on your lap or you can live your life." Living doesn't have to always be the big things. In can be the little things. Yesterday while sitting on the balcony of "granny's hotel" I watch a squirrel try to get in to the bird feeder. Watching him climb up the pole and jumping over to the feeder made me laugh. I also saw cardinals and blue birds, white oak trees coming alive and felt the sun and wind on my face. This is inspiring.
Writing blogs, reading, simply "being" can be inspiring.
Over the last year my mom has been a huge source of inspiration for me. God has given her a gift of being a caregiver. She provides a source of strength and looks to God for answers. She says we need to wake up and say "this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it." Some days for me that isn't always so easy to do. Then I think, if she can do it, I can do it!