Friday, February 8, 2013

Will your response be a bitter one or a better one?

Charles Swindoll stated that, “life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to what happens to us.” When I thought about this and meditated on this idea, I felt that it would be worthy of a blog post.  Things happen in our lives that are not always favorable.  We end up in situations that we didn’t think we would be in; then we have a choice to make.  Do we respond out of bitterness or do we respond and be better?

For someone who tries to keep a positive attitude a lot of the time, over the last 18 months I have had a difficult time in a situation in which my reaction was a bitter one.  This situation was very hurtful and it felt like a true loss in my life.  My knowledge was used and I was given responsibility that was going to lead in to bigger and better things.  Then decisions and favors were granted behind closed door conversations, resulting in a kick in the gut and tears in my eyes.  To a situation that I was so loyal, I was blindsided and betrayed. 

Fast forward to now and I can say that I have learned a lot and have gained a lot of insight.  I now have decided to be better instead of bitter and my response is just that.  I have also re-evaluated what is important in my life.  I have found a way to have balance and I believe that through tough times we find our strength and perseverance (even when it takes 18 months).

Think about that 90% and think about your response to others.  Zig Ziglar said that “some people find fault like there is a reward for it.”  Do you look for fault in life and in the 10%?  Is your responses kind?   Can you choose kindness over being right?  My challenge for you today is to think about the above questions and choose being kind over being right, be less interested in finding fault and think about how you can respond in kindness.  Instead of pointing out faults (bitter) look for the better.  In the end the freedom that our kind responses bring are always worth it.  Life is a journey and sometimes it takes us a while to learn these lessons.


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