Saturday, February 15, 2014

The little things.... DO make a difference.....

This week is RAK week.  What does that mean?  It is Random Acts of Kindness week.  My challenge to you today is to practice random acts of kindness everyday, not just one week or one day of the year.

I started this blog based on the idea of making a difference in the lives of others.  I shared "The Starfish" theory which is my life motto.  So this week I felt compelled to post about this again as a reminder that "the little things..... DO make a difference." 

Earlier this year I became a Ractivist (aka: a random act of kindness activist).  Being a Ractivist is eye opening and a blessing.  It is all about paying attention and being present in the moment.  It is seeing life through a different perspective.  When we think about making a difference on an ongoing basis it doesn't take long to make it part of our life mission statement and becomes minimal effort.   Even a simple smile or a hello is a random act of kindness.   Are you paying attention and making a difference?  We never know who needed that smile.  It takes doing the little things.  Those little things add up to the big things.  "A journey is started with one single step."  Every step forward in making a difference is a step in the right direction.

Think about a random act of kindness that has meant something to you.  Was it words of encouragement during a time of need, was it someone baking you a cake or was  it someone providing a helping hand in your time of need?  Often times the little things that we do for others are the BIG things for them.  

Bob Kerrey once said "Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change."  What a powerful statement!

Here are some ideas to get you started.  More ideas and information can be found on the random acts of kindness website.

1.  Go ahead and donate the dollar.  When we see a campaign for heart disease, cancer awareness etc. Donating one dollar can make a difference when many people donate.

2.  Give someone a positive comment on a blog or social media site.  If you think someone looks nice in their photo, tell them.

3.  Thank you notes matter.  A hand written thank you note has a BIG impact.  Take five minutes right now and write someone a note.

4.  Donate the gift of your time.  Many times if we would commit to one hour a month we can effect change and make a difference.  I was volunteering for our local Hope Clinic (free medical clinic) and during an orientation they were dividing the volunteers up in to areas where they thought their talent could be utilized.  One lady said "I am good at hugging people."  Now that is a gift.  "No act is too small."  

5.  Pay for a stranger’s cup of coffee.  Not only will it make a difference in their day, it will make a difference in yours.

6.  Place sticky notes with positive affirmations on grocery store shelves, public mirrors or on car windows.  

7.  Eat a healthy snack.  This can make a difference for you.  

8.  Surprise someone and make dinner for them.  I know this can be a big help to someone who is recovering from an illness or after the loss of a loved one.

9.  Leave a coupon behind at the store.  If you see an item that you do not want to buy, leave the coupon and let someone else use it.

10.  Clear an elderly neighbors sidewalk, rake their leaves or mow their lawn.  Sometimes we take for granted what doesn't take much effort for us.  To that elderly neighbor it could make a huge impact in their life.

One of my favorite quotes is "No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care."  Take time to care today.  Listen to someone and I am sure you will learn along the way.

I encourage you to make a difference no matter how small.   One of my favorite songs is "Care" by Kid Rock. If you have never heard it, listen to it.  Make a point to listen to someone's story but most importantly.....CARE.

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